Faculty-directed experience in assisting with laboratory studies. May be repeated subject to availability of assignments. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson. Fall , Spring.
Laboratory component of Organic Chemistry I. Preparation of representative organic compounds and introduction to qualitative and quantitative organic analysis. Designed for transfer students with credit for Organic Chemistry I lecture. Prerequisite: Credit for an Organic Chemistry I lecture course and approval of department chairperson. Lab fee. Fall.
Laboratory component of Organic Chemistry II. Continued studies in Organic Chemistry laboratory techniques. Designed for transfer students with credit for Organic Chemistry II lecture. Prerequisite: Credit for an Organic Chemistry II lecture course and approval of department chairperson. Lab fee. Spring.
Studies in Chemistry involving either use of chemical literature or laboratory techniques or both. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II.
Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: P ermission of department chairperson.
Students will conduct chemical research in co llaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of c redit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 3 or Freshman thro ugh Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequis ite: Approval of department chairperson.
Students will conduct chemical research in co llaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of c redit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman thro ugh Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequis ite: Approval of department chairperson.
Fundamental methods and theories of acid-base, precipitation, complex-formation, oxidation-reduction titration, and gravimetric methods of analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 1120/1320. Lab fee. Fall.
A systematic study of carbon compounds. Laboratory work consists of preparation of representative organic compounds and an introduction to qualitative and quantitative organic analysis. Prerequisite: CHEM 1110/1310. Lab fee. Fall.
A continuation of CHEM 3410. Prerequisite: CHEM 1110/1310. Lab fee. Spring.
Kinetic theory; classical thermodynamic principles with an introduction to statistical the rmodynamics; thermodynamics of chemical reactions and equilibrium; reaction kinetics and odern structural concepts. Prerequisites: CHEM 1120/1320 and Credit for or concurrent enrollment inMATH 1330 and PHYS 2411. Lab fee. Fall.
A continuation of CHEM 3440. Prerequisites: CHEM 1120/1320 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1330 and PHYS 2411. Lab fee. Spring.
A study of the principles and concepts of Environmental Chemistry. The chemical processes of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere will be investigated. The effect of man-made pollutants on these chemical processes will also be studied. Laboratory will focus on environmental sampling and analysis techniques. Lab fee. Prerequisite: CHEM 34 00.
Students will conduct chemical research in co llaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of c redit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman thro ugh Senior level. Laboratory fee. Prerequis ite: Approval of department chairperson.