CSBS 3323 Poetical Books

The course provides a study of selected portions of the poetical material contained in the Hebrew Bible, including an introduction to literary theory and a definition of the field of Hebrew poetry. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and CSBS 2301.


CSBS 3324 The Wisdom Books

The course provides a study of selected portions of the wisdom material contained in the Hebrew Bible and seeks to explore the relationship of Hebrew wisdom to the wisdom material of the ancient world. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and CSBS 2301.


CSBS 3326 The Minor Prophets

The course examines selected portions of the Minor Prophets (the Book of the Twelve) with due attention given to the historical backgrounds and to their teachings. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and CSBS 2301.


CSBS 3327 The Gospels of Mark and Matthew

This course is a study of the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, with introductions to the synoptic problem and the synoptic presentation of Jesus of Nazareth. The course will highlight the distinctive and significant features of both Gospels. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and CSBS 2301.


CSBS 3328 The Earlier Pauline Epitles

A study of Galatians, 1-2 Thessalonians, and 1-2 Corinthians, noting Paul's rise to prominence in the early church, the development of his theology, and the problems he confronted in the churches of his Gentile mission. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and CSBS 2301.


CSBS 3329 The Pstrl Epstls, Hbrws & non-JohaE

This course is a study of selected portions of 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, and Jude, with attention to the unique contribution of each to the New Testament. Prerequisites; CSBS 1311/1312 and CSBS 2301.


CSBS 3330 Biblical Hermeneutics

The course introduces the student to the science of biblical hermeneutics and its application to sacred scripture from the development and closing of the Canon to the modern era. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312.