This course enables a student to pursue independent learning in some aspect of the field of Ministry. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312, CSMN 1320 and junior standing.
Prerequisites; CSBS 1311/1312, CSMN 1320 and junior standing.
This course enables a student to pursue indep endent learning in some aspect of the field o f Ministry. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312, C SMN 1320 and junior standing.
Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312, CSMN 1320 and junior standing.
Through group participation, Christian discipleship and evangelism are examined in terms o f the student's relationship with the Bible, prayer, Christian fellowhip and world evangelism. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and CSMN 1320.
This course is a field-based learning opportunity in which the student functions in a ministry role under the supervision of an experienced mentor and a University professor. Requirements include the completion of ministry projects within the field setting as well as on-campus conferences. Emphasisis placed on functional competence in ministry through development of both personal and professionals kills. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and CSMN 1320.
This course develops students’ skills in the design, facilitation, and administrative tasks of worship, utilizing a broad range of media resources. The course emphasizes implementation of worship services in lab and /or field settings. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311, 1312 or permission of the instructor.
This course is a study of the contemprary issues of race, sexual attitudes, family pressures, school, ect. faced by youth and creative approaches the Youth Minister may employ to help youth understand these issues from uniqely Christian perspective. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312 and CSMN 1320.
The course examines the professional methods of Christian counseling. Recurring problems encountered in counseling and the use of referral will be studied. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312, CSMN 1320 and PSYC 1301.
This course enables a student to pursue indep endent learning in some aspect of the field o f Ministry. Prerequisites; CSBS 1311/1312, C SMN 1320 and junior standing.
This course enables a student to pursu indepe ndent learning in some aspect of the field of ministry. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312, CS MN 1320 and junior standing.
Prerequisites: CSBS 1311/1312, CSMN 1320 and jendent learning in some aspect of the field o f philosophy. Prerequisite: CSPH 2315, and j unior standing.