PSYC 2101 Professions in Clinical Psychology

An introduction to careers in psychology. Course will cover career opportunities, undergraduate and graduate career tracks, licensure options, and differences in professional rank at the Masters and Doctoral levels. Required for those choosing the clinical track. This course should be taken before PSYC 2323 or concurrently with PSYC 2323.


PSYC 2102 Introduction to Psychological Resea

An introduction to thinking scientifically about psychology. Students will learn to identify research ideas, develop literature reviews and proposals, and present findings clearly using statistics and graphs. Required for those choosing the experimental/generalist track. This course should be taken before PSYC 2323 or concurrently with PSYC 2323.


PSYC 2303 Statistics

An introduction to statistics including a study of frequency distributions, measure of location and variation, probability distributions, sampling distributions, and statistical inference. Hypothesis testing, ANOVA, and simple linear regression are also considered. Prerequisite: A grade of at least a "C" or better in MATH 1306 or higher.


PSYC 2305 Statistics for the Social Sciences

Emphasizes conducting and applying statistical analyses with real-world social science data. Students will utilize a statistical software package commonly used by social scientists to conduct and interpret descriptive and inferential statistics. Students completing the course will acquire the skills necessary to both conduct and interpret statistical analyses in social science settings. Pre-requisite: Math 1304 or higher.


PSYC 2323 Psychological Methods

This course is an introduction to the scientific methods of inquiry as it relates to psychology. Students will gain an overview of the concepts and methods involved in psychological research, with a focus on development of research questions, selection of appropritate methods, and interpretation of results. Statistical backgrounds not needed. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301. Offered in the fall and spring semesters. Required for psychology majors. Must be taken prior to PSYC 3303.


PSYC 2330 Helping & Human Relationships

This sophomore level course offers an introduction to human relationships, with a particular emphasis on the nature of the counselor-client relationship, basic listening skills, and ethical considerations for the counselor. Prerequisite: PSYC 1301. Offered in the fall semester only.