The study of the basic statistical concepts and techniques required for an understanding of sociological research. Introduction to methods of analyzing data from experiments and surveys; hypothesis testing; regression and correlation; and analysis of categorical data. (Same as MATH 3303, and PSYC 3303)
A study of a basic social institution with an emphasis on its background and various cultural forms and functions.
An analysis of the structure and function of community organization as it relates to both rural and urban communities. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311.
A study of the social development of contemporary minority groups with emphasis on the psychological and sociological processes involved in prejudice. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311. (Same as CRIJ 3317)
A survey of the delinquent as a person and delinquency as a social problem. Emphasis is on the extent, causation, prevention, treatment , and theories of delinquency. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311. (Same as CRIJ 3318)
An opportunity to explore use of traditional and non-traditional interventions with special populations. While selected groups may vary according to current social concerns, study will consistently include those designated as minorities due to ethnic origins, gender, sexual orientation, disease process, or race. Prerequisites: PSYC 3315. (Same as SOCW 3315)
A societal level study of gender relationships, interactions, and circumstances. Emphasis will be placed on understanding each other and exploring problems related to gender. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311.
Selected topics in Sociology. The topic will be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit whenever content varies.