SOCW 4090 Senior Examination

Students majoring in Social Work must complete the program's achievement examination prior to graduation.


SOCW 4190 Independent Learning

This course is designed to meet individuals needs and interests in Social Work. It may be repeated for credit when the subject studied is changed.


SOCW 4191 Seminar

Selected topics in Social Work. The topic will be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit whenever content varies.


SOCW 4290 Independent Learning

This course is designed to meet individual ne eds and interests in Social Work. It may be r epeated for credit when the subject studied i s changed.


SOCW 4291 Seminar

Selected topics in Social Work. The topic wil l be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit whenever content varies.


SOCW 4311 Senior Seminar in Social Work

This course continues the study of the generalist method of Social Work practice. Emphasis will be on the integration of the various components of the baccalaureate Social Work education sequence including social work foundations, liberal arts, values, special populations, human behavior, policy research, practice, and field experience. Prerequisites: SOCW 3313, 3314, 3315, 4312, and 4411. Corequisite: SOCW 4412. Spring only.


SOCW 4312 Social Work Research I

4312 Social Work Research I An emphasis on scientific methods for building a knowledge base for Social Work practice and for use in evaluation of practice. Included will be research methodologies and designs for the systematic evaluation of Social Work practice and program evaluation. Prerequisite: Junior standing. Fall only.


SOCW 4313 Gerontology

A course designed to acquaint the student with the normal aging process, as well as with the social and psychological problems related to that process. Intervention techniques are emp`hasized. Prerequisite: SOCI 1311. (Same as SOCI 4313)


SOCW 4315 Death and Dying

An introduction to the sociological and psychological aspects of death and dying within the American cultural milieu. Emphasis is on self-awareness regarding attitudes about death and on therapeutic intervention. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or above. (Same as SOCI 4315)


SOCW 4316 Social Work Practice III

This course is the third component in the practical preparation of the student for beginning level professional practice. Generalist practice will continue to be presented using an emphasis on the holistic view of human services and the ecological/systems theory of practice. Problem-solving emphasis will be placed on communities and organizations. Not available to non-majors. Prerequisite: Social Work major; SOCW 3311 and SOCW 3314. Fall only.


SOCW 4322 Social Work Research II

Building on the content of SOCW 4312 Social Work Research I, this course is designed to enable students to apply the principles of creating, testing, and applying the scientific method to social work practice to include the development of theoretical perspectives, formulation of testable research hypotheses, execution of a research design, measurement, data collection, analysis of results, computerization, drawing conclusions, applications for use in social work practice, and the communication of the findings to a broader audience. Prerequisite: SOCW 4312. Spring only.


SOCW 4390 Independent Learning

This course is designed to meet individual ne eds and interests in Social Work. It may be r epeated for credit when the subject studied i s changed.


SOCW 4391 Seminar

Selected topics in Social Work. The topic wil l be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit whenever content varies.


SOCW 4411 Social Work Practicum I

Supervised Social Work experience in a local social service agency. Requires a minimum of 225 clock hours in the agency plus a weekly on-campus seminar. The practicum should help the student integrate academic knowledge and practice skills to meet the needs of clients. Successful completion of the practicum requires a grade of "C" or above. Not available to non-majors. Prerequisites: SOCW 3311, 3313, 3314, and 3315. Corequisite: SOCW 4316. Fall only.


SOCW 4412 Social Work Practicum II

A continuation of supervised Social Work practice in a local social service agency within creasing responsibility and case involvement. Requires a minimum of 225 clock hours in the agency plus a weekly on-campus seminar. The practicum should help the student to continue to integrate academic knowledge and practice skills to meet the needs of clients and to deepen understanding of group, community, and organization functioning. Successful completion of the practicum requires a grade of "C" or above. Not available to non-majors. Prerequisite: SOCW 4411. Corequisite: SOCW 4311. Spring only.


SOCW 4490 Independent Learning

This course is designed to meet individual needs and interests in Social Work. It may be repeated for credit when the subject studied is changed.


SOCW 4491 Seminar

Selected topics in Social Work. The topic will be announced prior to registration. May be repeated for credit whenever content varies.


SOCW 4511 Social Work Practicum I

Supervised Social Work experience in a local social service agency. Requires a minimum of 225 clock hours in the agency plus a weekly on-campus seminar. The practicum should help the student integrate academic knowledge and practice skills to meet the needs of clients. Successful completion of the practicum requires a grade of “C” or above. Not available to non-majors. Prerequisites: SOCW 3311 and 3314. Corequisite: SOCW 4316. Fall only.

SOCW 4512 Social Work Practicum II

A continuation of supervised Social Work practice in a local social service agency with increasing responsibility and case involvement. Requires a minimum of 225 clock hours in the agency plus a weekly on-campus seminar. The practicum should help the student to continue to integrate academic knowledge and practice skills to meet the needs of clients and to deepen understanding of group, community, and organization functioning. Successful completion of the practicum requires a grade of “C” or above. Not available to non-majors. Prerequisite: Successful completion of SOCW 4411. Spring only.