WRIT 4191 Seminar

A study of a selected topic related to writing. With approval of the department chair, this course may be repeated for credit when content varies. Prerequisites:Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, 1322, and two 2000-level English courses. (Offered as needed)


WRIT 4192 Publications Workshop

Practical experience in the editing and produ ction of literary journals. Students will se rve on the staff of the UMHB literary magazin e, The Baylorian, or they will assist with Wi ndhover; A Journal of Christian Literature an d the Writers' Festival. This course may cou nt only one time as a Set 2 course in the Eng lish major or minor, but may be repeated for elective credit. Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, 1322, and two 2000-level English courses, and approval of the instruct or.


WRIT 4291 Seminar

A study of a selected topic related to writin g. With approval of the department chair, thi s course may be repeated for credit when cont ent varies. Prerequisites: Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, 1322, and two 2000-level English courses. (Offered as needed)


WRIT 4292 Publications Workshop

Practical experience in the editing and produ ction of literary journals. Students will se rve on the staff of the UMHB literary magazin e, The Baylorian, or they will assist with Wi ndhover: A Journal of Christtian Literature a nd the Writers' Festival. This course may co unt only one time as a Set 2 course in the En glish major or minor, but may be repeated for elective credit. Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, 1322, and two 2000-level English courses, and approval of the instruc tor.


WRIT 4343 Advanced Rhetoric

Study of classical and modern rheoric, from Aristotle and Cicero to Booth, Toulmin, and others. Emphasis on skills necessary to construct and analyze arguments and to engage in a variety of discourses in a rhetorically effective way. Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, 1322, and two 2000-level English courses. (Offered Spring)


WRIT 4344 Prosody

Students will learn to tap into their own creative sources, learn the role of reading and critiquing the work of others in the sharpening of one’s own talent, and gain the tools needed to come away from the class with a sharpened appreciation of the creative process and with a heightened insight into the workings of the language, including metaphor and other types of figurative language. Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, 1322, and two 2000-level English courses. (Offered Spring Only)


WRIT 4391 Seminar

A study of a selected topic related to writin g. With approval of the department chair, thi s course may be repeated for credit when cont ent varies. Prerequisites: Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, 1322, and two 2000-level English courses. (Offered as needed)


WRIT 4392 Publications Workshop

Practical experience in the editing and produ ction of literary journals. Students will se rve on the staff of the UMHB literary magazin e, The Baylorian, or they will assist with Wi ndhover: A Journal of Christian Literature an d the Writers' Festival. This course may cou nt only one time as a Set 2 course in the Eng lish major or minor, but may be repeated for elective credit. Prerequisites: Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, 1322, and two 2000-level English courses, and approval of the instruct or.


WRIT 4491 Seminar

A study of a selected topic related to writin g. With approval of the department chair, thi s course may be repeated for credit when cont ent varies. Prerequisites: Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, 1322, and two 2000-level English courses. (Offered as needed)


WRIT 4492 Publications Workshop

Practical experience in the editing and produ ction of literary journals. Students will se rve on the staff of the UMHB literary magazin e, The Baylorian, or they will assist with Wi ndhover: A Journal of Chistian Literature and the Writers' Festival. This course may coun t only one time as a Set 2 course in the Engl ish major or minor, but may be repeated for e lective credit. Prerequisites: ENGL 1321, 1322, and two 2000-level English courses, and approval of the instructo r.