BIOL 3001 Laboratory Assistantship

Faculty-supervised experience in assisting with laboratory studies. May be repeated subject to availability of assignments. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer.


BIOL 3135 Ornithology Lab

This is the laboratory component for BIOL 3335.

BIOL 3150 Invertebrate Zoology Lab

This is the laboratory component for BIOL 3350.

BIOL 3170 General Ecology Lab

This is the laboratory component for BIOL 3370.

BIOL 3191 Seminar

Requirements may include classroom study, field work, or a weekend field trip.  Expenses for field trips will be shared by the participants.  Prerequisite: 8 hours of Biology or permission of the instructor.  May be repeated for credit as topics vary.


BIOL 3193 Biological Research

Students will conduct biological research under the supervision of a faculty member. Students will be expected to keep a research notebook according to standard laboratory practices and may be required to submit a research proposal at the discretion of the faculty member. A final written report of work accomplished will be required. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer.


BIOL 3291 Seminar

Requirements may include classroom study, field work, or a weekend field trip.  Expenses for field trips will be shared by the participants.  Prerequisite: 8 hours of Biology or permission of the instructor.  May be repeated for credit as topics vary.


BIOL 3293 Biological Research

Students will conduct biological research under the supervision of a faculty member. Students will be expected to keep a research notebook according to standard laboratory practices and may be required to submit a research proposal at the discretion of the faculty member. A final written report of work accomplished will be required. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer.


BIOL 3310 Genetics

A study of the physical bases and principles of inheritance and variation in plants and animals, with an emphasis on the genetics of man. Prerequisite: BIOL 1350/1150 and 1360/1160 or BIOL 1310/1100 and 1320/1120. Fall. Spring.


Biology 3335 Ornithology

A general study of birds and their structure, food relations, nesting habits, seasonal distribution, migration, economic importance, and conservation, with field observations and special reference to Texas birds. Weekend field trip required. Prerequisite: BIOL 1350/1150, 1360/1160 or permission of instructor. Laboratory fee. Spring only.

BIOL 3340 Immunology

A study of the mechanisms involved in the immune response. Emphasis on the structure and function of the components of the immune system, including humoral and cellular activity, complement, and hypersensitivity. Prerequisites: BIOL 2341/2141 or 2470, 2380/2180 and 3310 with a C or higher in each course. Spring only.


BIOL 3350 Invertebrate Zoology

A basic survey of the fundamental taxonomy, morphology, physiology, and ecology of the invertebrate taxa. Prerequisite: BIOL 2170/2175 and 2330. Laboratory fee. Offered Fall only.

BIOL 3370 General Ecology

A study of the interrelationships between organisms and their environment with emphasis on energy flow, community structure and population biology. Prerequisites: a minimum "C" standing in each of BIOL 1360/1160 and MATH 1306. Laboratory fee.

BIOL 3391 Seminar

Requirements may include classroom study, field work, or a weekend field trip.  Expenses for field trips will be shared by the participants.  Prerequisite: 8 hours of Biology or permission of the instructor.  May be repeated for credit as topics vary.


BIOL 3393 Biological Research

Students will conduct biological research under the supervision of a faculty member. Students will be expected to keep a research notebook according to standard laboratory practices and may be required to submit a research proposal at the discretion of the faculty member. A final written report of work accomplished will be required. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer.


BIOL 3491 Seminar

Requirements may include classroom study, field work, or a weekend field trip.  Expenses for field trips will be shared by the participants.  Prerequisite: 8 hours of Biology or permission of the instructor.  May be repeated for credit as topics vary.


BIOL 3493 Biological Research

Students will conduct biological research under the supervision of a faculty member. Students will be expected to keep a research notebook according to standard laboratory practices and may be required to submit a research proposal at the discretion of the faculty member. A final written report of work accomplished will be required. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer.