Spiritual Life - Campus Ministries

Church Participation

All students are encouraged to cultivate biblical literacy and experience biblical community in a local church. Students looking for a church home in the Belton area should check with Spiritual Life for college ministries, worship times, and locations.


Spiritual Formation

Various Bible studies and small groups are held on campus throughout the week led by the Baptist Student Ministries, student organizations, local churches, and various parachurch organizations.


An education offered by UMHB includes experiences to develop the mind, body, and spirit. Chapel attendance and participation is considered an integral part of the educational process. It is recognized and appreciated as one of the distinctive features of a Christian university.


Chapel services are held each Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. in W. W. Walton Chapel during fall and spring semesters. Students register for and attend one section in order to complete chapel attendance requirements. Archived chapel servicers and a schedule of upcoming speakers are available online.


All students are encouraged and welcomed to attend chapel services, whether chapel attendance credit is needed or not.



Global Outreach

UMHB Global Outreach (GO) is the primary mobilization office for students outside the classroom. GO seeks to educate students about vocation as mission, Christian responsibility, and the practice of intentionality. The objective of our program is to equip students to understand and live out these five core identities of being a learner, storyteller, servant, worshiper, and mobilizer while serving on the field and after they return. Along with the BSM, Global Outreach offers numerous domestic and international engagement opportunities over, Winter break and Summer break. Contact the Global Outreach office for more information.


Baptist Student Ministry

The Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) at UMHB is the oldest BSM organized in Texas and serves as the local expression of university outreach by Texas Baptists. The Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) is the primary campus ministry charged with encouraging and equipping students in spiritual growth. While Texas Baptists sponsor BSM, we encourage and include students from diverse backgrounds. We offer a variety of ways to get involved and the support of a welcoming community as students GROW, GIVE, and GO in their pursuit of life with Jesus. The BSM office is on the first floor of the Bawcom Student Union.