CSMN - Ministry

CSMN 1320 Introduction to Christian Ministry

This course is a biblical, historical, theological, and practical study of Christian Ministry. Students study the role of the minister in proclamation, administration, and care-giving. Attention is given to educational preparation, spiritual growth, and the development of skills in ministry.


CSMN 3306 Congregational Leadership

This course is a study of the nature and tasks of leadership necessary for successful ministry through various kinds of congregational expressions.  Attention is given to understanding the congregational life cycle, organizing for effective ministry, working with large and small groups, relating of church staff members, working with volunteers and ministry teams, managing resources, dealing with transition and handling conflict. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311 and CSBS 1312


CSMN 3310 Sermon Preparation

This course is a study of a variety of methods of preparing sermons. Emphasis will be given to developing expository sermons starting with a biblical idea and culminating in a sermon ready for delivery. Prerequisites:
CSBS 1311 and CSBS 1312 and CSMN 1320.


CSMN 3329 Children's Ministry

The course examines the needs of children in a religious setting. Topics of study include parental responsibility, weekday ministries, equipment needs for ministry, physically challenged children, materials, and spiritual development. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311 and CSBS 1312 and CSMN 1320.


CSMN 3330 Youth Ministry

This course is a study of the philosophy and trends of youth ministry. Emphasis will be placed on the planning and administering of a youth ministry in a local church. Attention will be given to the motivation of youth leaders and the development of programming ideas. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311 and CSBS 1312 and CSMN 1320.


CSMN 4301 Crisis Ministry

A study of the nature of various kinds of crises and the knowledge and skills necessary for crisis ministry.  Prerequisites: CSBS 1311 and 1312 and CSMN 1320.



CSMN 4316 Supervised Ministry Internship

This course is a field-based learning opportunity in which the student functions in a (paid or unpaid) ministry role under the supervision of an experienced mentor and a University professor. Requirements include the completion of ministry projects within the field setting as well as on-campus conferences. Emphasis is placed on functional competence in ministry through development of both personal and professional skills. Prerequisites: CSBS 1311 and 1312, CSMN 1320 and Instructor approval.