CHEM 4001 Lab Assistantship

Faculty-directed experience in assisting with laboratory studies. May be repeated subject to availability of assignments. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson.


CHEM 4090 Senior Evaluation

Students majoring in chemistry must complete the chemistry achievement examination prior to graduation. Prerequisite: Consent of department chairperson. Fee. Fall, Spring, Summer I and Summer II.


CHEM 4160 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Lab fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.


CHEM 4181 Chemical Research-Capstone II

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required. Library work and a written report may also be required. Prerequisite: CHEM 2181 and approval of department chairperson.


CHEM 4183 Seminar - Capstone III

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and formal paper describing the studies and results of the student's work in CHEM 4193 Chemical Research - Capstone II. Prerequisite: CHEM 4181 and approval of department chairperson.


CHEM 4190 Independent Learning

Studies in Chemistry involving either use of chemical literature or laboratory techniques or both. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II.


CHEM 4191 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: permission of department chairperson.


CHEM 4193 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson.


CHEM 4260 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.


CHEM 4290 Independent Learning

Studies in Chemistry involving either use of chemical literature or laboratory techniques or both. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II.


CHEM 4291 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: permission of department chairperson.


CHEM 4293 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson.


CHEM 4300 Safety in the Academic Laboratory

An introduction to legal aspects of academic laboratory safety, basic concepts of a laboratory safety program, Material Safety Data Sheets, and waste disposal for academic science laboratories K-12. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson.


CHEM 4310 Handling Hazardous Materials

A study of the principles and methods of handling hazardous materials in the workplace. Coverage includes the nature and scope of hazards in the workplace and an overview of regulations of hazardous materials and worker safety, occupational diseases, fundamentals of industrial hygiene, basic concepts of toxicology, and an introduction to risk assessment. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson.


CHEM 4311 Environmental Issues

Concepts of Environmental Science will be introduced. Study will focus on the major environmental issues of the day, including technological, economic, and ethical aspects of these issues. Methods of risk-benefit analysis will be presented. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson.


CHEM 4350 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Theories of bonding in inorganic systems, coordination chemistry, mechanisms of inorganic reactions, acid-base theory, Born-Haber cycles, oxidation potential, and structured concepts. Prerequisite: Credit in a 3000-level Chemistry course. Fall, odd-numbered years.


CHEM 4360 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this cours e only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.


CHEM 4390 Independent Learning

Studies in Chemistry involving either use of chemical literature or laboratory techniques or both. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II.


CHEM 4391 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson.


CHEM 4393 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Course level ("V ") may range between 1 and 4 or Freshman through Senior level. Laboratory Fee. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson.


CHEM 4430 Biochemistry

A survey of life molecules with emphasis on their roles in metabolic processes. The laboratory is an introduction to classical biochemical techniques. Prerequisite: CHEM 3410 and CHEM 1420. Lab fee. Spring.


CHEM 4440 Advanced Analytical Chemistry

Theoretical basis for and application of instrumental methods of chemical analysis, including a wide variety of spectral and chromatographic techniques. Prerequisites: CHEM 3400 and permission of department chairperson. Lab fee. Spring.


CHEM 4460 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.


CHEM 4490 Independent Learning

Studies in Chemistry involving either use of chemical literature or laboratory techniques or both. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II.


CHEM 4491 Seminar

Requirements may include a literature search, oral presentation, and written abstract on a relevant topic in Chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson. Fall.


CHEM 4493 Chemical Research

Students will conduct chemical research in collaboration with a faculty member. A minimum of 3 clock hours of laboratory work per week will be required for each semester hour of credit. Library work and a written report of work will also be required. Prerequisite: Approval of department chairperson. Fall, Spring, Summer I, Summer II


CHEM 4560 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Laboratory fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.


CHEM 4660 Practicum in Clinical Chemistry

Supervised study will be carried out at the Veterans Administration facilities in Temple, Texas, or at an equivalent site. The study may involve applied clinical laboratory activities or more basic research programs. Supervision and evaluation of the study will be conducted by designated member(s) of the staff at the site. The student will normally be expected to write a formal report covering work done. A written examination and/or oral examination may be given at the conclusion of the study. Lab fee. Prerequisite: A minimum of 28 semester hours of Chemistry. In addition, a student may enroll for this course only after receiving the joint approval of the department chairperson and the supervising official(s) at the site. May be repeated up to a maximum of 6 semester hours of credit.