ARTS 4081 Senior Exhibition

Capstone course required of all B.A. and B.F.A. Art majors. Preparation of a portfolio, artist's statement and exhibition of selected works. Students develop a critical approach to viewing, exhibiting and thinking about art as well as familiarizing them with the basics of the business of art. Students complete self-directed projects in either two- or three-dimensional disciplines, meet regularly for collective review and criticism, and focus on problems related to the development and continuity of portfolios. The successful completion of this requirement is a prerequisite for graduation for Arts majors. Pre-requisite: For BFA candidates a grade of at least a "B" in ARTS 4380 Senior Studio.


ARTS 4310 Printmaking II: Intaglio and Lithography

An introduction to basic printmaking processes of intaglio and lithography. Students are introduced to a number of short projects designed to give a broad experience with the media: methods of platemaking, such as etching, drypoint, and aquatint; also hand-drawn imagery and transfer on to metal and stone lithography surfaces. Additional topics include print presentation, care of tools and materials, and a historical survey of printmaking. Prerequisite ARTS 1310 and 1320 or permission of instructor.
May repeat for credit. Fee.


ARTS 4311 Advanced Drawing Problems

Explores aspects of drawing that are of special interest. Prerequisite: ARTS 2311 or permission of the instructor. May repeat for credit. Fee.


ARTS 4320 Painting III

Studies in various media according to individual need. Prerequisite: ARTS 3320.
May repeat for credit. Fee.


ARTS 4325 Watercolor

Exploration of transparent watercolor techniques. Students with competent drawing skills will use water media to explore art concepts stressing individual thematic projects. Prerequisite: ARTS 1310, 3320, 2320.
May repeat for credit. Fee.


ARTS 4345 Art Metals II

Further studies in Art Metals. Prerequisite: ARTS 3345 or permission of the instructor. May repeat for credit.  Fee.


ARTS 4350 American Art

A history of American architecture, painting, and sculpture from the colonial period to the present. May not be repeated for credit.


ARTS 4351 Installation Art

A study of the theories and methods that inform contemporary installation art. Students will investigate the use of form and material to activate space and explore strategies for engaging viewers in immersive, non-object based art making. Coursework will include a survey of key artworks and artists who employ installation as a means of creative expression. No Prerequisites.


ARTS 4360 Ceramics III

An advanced study in ceramics intended to broaden experience with clay techniques, glazing, and kiln firing. Students will build on skills and concepts learned in Ceramics I and/or Ceramics II in order to explore special topics of interest and develop a cohesive body of artwork that synthesizes the conceptual and technical aspects of art making. Historical and contemporary works are emphasized. Health and safety concerns are stressed. Prerequisites: ARTS 2360, or ARTS 3360 or permission of instructor. May repeat for credit. Fee.


ARTS 4370 Interactive Design

This course introduces web design (prompt and feedback), motion graphics, generative art, UI/UX design principles, systems design, and Processing. Instruction in HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript. The creation, editing, and distribution of visual information is examined as both a skill and a form of critical, cultural production. Presentations, critiques, class discussions, and reading and writing assignments allow the student to develop a vocabulary and a critical framework for speaking about artistic skills, techniques, and practices. Historical and contemporary cultural literacy is emphasized. Discussions and critiques address the nature of digital image production-and consumption, with topics of special interest including: image inundation, the production of images as visual content, and the distinguishing characteristics of visual knowledge. Prerequisite: ARTS 3375 of permission of the instructor. May repeat for credit. Fee.

ARTS 4373 Graphic Design III

This course covers advanced graphic design as a form of visual knowledge production, documentation, and communication. Historical and contemporary cultural literacy is emphasized. Digital, web-based, motion graphics, generative design, and UI/UX design projects familiarize students with the process of problem discovery, creation, setting, and solving. Presentations, critiques, reading assignments, and class discussions allow the student to develop a vocabulary and a critical framework for speaking about design skills, techniques, and practices. Prerequisite: ARTS 4370 or permission of the instructor. May repeat for credit. Fee.


ARTS 4375 Applied Graphic Design

This course provides students with an opportunity to work on visual communication and graphic design projects for on- and off-campus organizations, institutions, and groups. Prerequisite: ARTS 3375 or permission of the instructor. May be used in place of 4395 Internship in Graphic Design.  Fee.


ARTS 4379 Senior Design Studio

Capstone course required of all B.F.A. Graphic Design Majors. This course is to be taken the semester before ARTS 4081 Senior Exhibition. Prepares students for stepping into the graphic design workforce and/or graduate programs. Participants review and reflect on the integration into their professional lives critical and creative thinking skills and strategies. Students demonstrate competencies in the process and stages of working toward a cohesive design sense; writing an artist’s statement; and preparation for advanced study. Taken the semester before ARTS 4081 Senior Exhibition. Fee.


ARTS 4380 Senior Studio

Capstone course required of all B.F.A. Art majors taken the semester before ARTS 4081 Senior Exhibition. Prepares students for lives as working visual artists and graduate programs. Participants review and reflect on the integration into their professional lives critical and creative thinking skills and strategies. Students demonstrate competencies in the process and stages of working toward a cohesive body of work; writing an artist's statement; and preparation for advanced study. Taken the semester before ARTS 4081 Senior Exhibition. Fee.


ARTS 4395 Internship in Graphic Design

Supervised professional experience in an ad agency, design studio, or business (paid or unpaid) as a means of preparing the student for a career goal in graphic design or further studies. Prerequisite: ARTS 3375 or permission of the instructor. May be used in place of ARTS 4375 Applied Graphic Design.